Tuesday, December 25, 2007

back again

Hi friends

After a long long break ......after all those dollars that Google tried to tempt me with, after those ridiculously frequent calls from Steve Jobs...I am back to blogging.

I used to blog couple of years back when I was in college.It wasn't the most popular url on the web. Gulf War 2 had just started then, most of the postings were inevitably related to this...reviews were mostly from classmates,friends and some like-minded netizens, interestingly there were very few comments from ladies....then I realized that tough-talking posts just shoos away women.

Through my analysis I concluded that there are very few people who care about politics and socially mundane activities , I hope to continue blogging with this one into a perpetual endurance with a right mix of politics,fun,crap-talk and other things we need to talk bout....may be some beauty tips for women too...lol


Neha Nair said...

first post , first one to comment! Way to go in the blog world and about the beauty tips..I am waiting :)

Unknown said...

Hmmm lets see.. go ahead dude...

Anush said...

ha ha ha. I thought i wud be the only one here to comment. But i see tat u have made ur mark, jinu, my friend.

i welcome u with open arms. Just dont hug me.

strollinthunder said...

Thank you ladies and gentleman...I would do my absolute best to stand up to your unworldly expectations :-)

Solitaire said...

Great!! Awaiting the beauty tips!!

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